Armanen Runes -- Three Free Rune Courses,
Three Free Books
Masters International |
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Lesson I | ![]() ![]() |
Lesson II | ![]() ![]() |
Lesson III | Home |
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Lesson IV | ![]() ![]() |
Lesson V | ![]() ![]() |
Lesson VI | Rune Postures |
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Lesson VII | ![]() ![]() |
Lesson VIII | ![]() ![]() |
Lesson IX |
Copyright© 1985-1998 by Karl Hans Welz
All rights reserved. This course may not be reproduced
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without prior permission
in writing by the author.
Published by Karl Hans WelzP.O. Box 1298, Woodstock,
GA 30188
RUNE YOGA LESSON IV Welcome to your forth lesson in Rune Yoga. In the previous lessons you learned to draw Runic energies, and to direct them for healing and energizing. You have experienced that simple body positions, combined with other shape related practices, can generate and harness powerful energies. You also experienced the strength of group practices, where the group, too, adds to the overall shape energies. Some of you will have become aware of specific group energies, apart from and in conjunction with individual energies. Furthermore, you experienced the values of a ceremonial setting. In this lesson you will gain experiences of working with the spiritual centres of your body, the chakras. Let's go right into |
PRACTICE 1. Setting of the outer Realm. The outer realm is the space within which you are working. It is your temple. The set up of your outer realm symbolizes the universe upon which you intend to operate. Be sure that you will not be disturbed in your work. Be sure the room in which you are working is clean. You need an altar. A table will do. Arrange your ceremonial utensils as shown in the picture. Leave enough space for the candles and Rune staves which you use for the ceremonial. You may set a circle of Rune Staves around the table, large enough so you can move in this circle. Have the Runes EH and GIBOR on the left and right sides of the table, or altar. Have the Runes which you need for your ceremonial removed from the circle, and set it on the table in the space where you have the center of operations. Set the cup with water or wine on the table, the incense burner, one altar candle, Thor's Hammer, and the Rune dagger. Now, you are ready to set up the space within which you are going to work: your inner and outer Rune Realms. First, tune into each Rune in the circle, singing the stanza of the magical poem for each Rune. You may, instead, listen to the tape which establishes your inner Rune Realm and connect each Rune of your inner Rune Realm with the corresponding Rune Stave in your outer Rune Realm. 2. Protective circle: Next, you take the Rune dagger or power rod. First you trace the circle of Rune Staves around the table, then you draw the HAGAL Rune in all four directions, beginning with North (the position of the FA Rune), next West (position of RIT), South (position of IS), then East, position of BAR. Each time you draw the Hagal Rune in the air, do so with the strongest possible imagination of protection and Oneness with the universe. Next, all participants stand up, with the imagination of cleansing, they position first MAN three times, then AR. Put the dagger back to the side of the incense burner. 3. Light Altar Candle and say: "Forces
of the Light
All around darkness
Original fire of FA 4. Light Incense and say: "May
the power of the Runes 5. Hold both hands over cup with water (or wine which is thinned with water). Be aware of the purpose of your ceremonial. Project the visualization of the result in the wine or water, if the purpose of the ceremonial is related to you personally. Otherwise know that the water element symbolizes emotional strength. Project energy into the water or wine. Then drink part of it. 6. Look at Thor's Hammer. Be aware that this is the symbol for your capability to draw, harness, and project Rune energies. Hold both hands over it, knowing of its power. Now, you finished all preparation and you are ready for your group practice of Rune Yoga. 7. Participants in circle. Focus on your crown chakra. Body Position of HAGAL. Chant HAGAL three times. Hand Position of HAGAL. While inhaling, chant HAGAL. At the same time, feel energy come into your crown chakra. 8. Focus on your eye chakra. Body Position of HAGAL. Chant HAGAL three times. Hand Position of HAGAL. While inhaling, chant HAGAL. At the same time, feel energy come into your eye chakra. 9. Focus on your throat chakra. Body Position of HAGAL. Chant HAGAL three times. Hand Position of HAGAL. While inhaling, chant HAGAL. At the same time, feel energy come into your throat chakra. 10 Focus on your heart chakra. Body Position of HAGAL. Chant HAGAL three times. Hand Position of HAGAL. While inhaling, chant HAGAL. At the same time, feel energy come into your heart chakra. 11. Focus on your solar plexus. Body Position of HAGAL. Chant HAGAL three times. Hand Position of HAGAL. While inhaling, chant HAGAL. At the same time, feel energy come into your solar plexus. 12. Focus on your spleen chakra. Body Position of HAGAL. Chant HAGAL three times. Hand Position of HAGAL. While inhaling, chant HAGAL. At the same time, feel energy come into your spleen chakra. 13. Focus on your root chakra. Body Position of HAGAL. Chant HAGAL three times. Hand Position of HAGAL. While inhaling, chant HAGAL. At the same time, feel energy come into your root chakra. Go into a brief meditation, then share experiences. It will be good to repeat this practice two to four times in the following days. 14. Everybody in a circle. Better, forming the HAGAL Rune. Whoever wants special attention to one or more of his/her chakras sits in the middle. Hand Position of UR. Chant UR three times. Then, breathing technique (correlate breathing) and while inhaling, chant mentally UR while you visualize energies of UR coming through your hand into your solar plexus. Point palm or fingers of other hand to chakra of the person in the middle, while exhaling, imagine the energies of UR projected through yout other arm into the chakra of person in the middle. 15. Same exercise, this time energize chakra (for the beginning, I recommend the eye chakra or the root chakra) Give everybody a chance of receiving Runic energies. The person in the middle may either draw the energies consciously, i.e. Inhale and draw while others exhale and project, or remain in meditative, receptive position. 16. You are ready to end the ceremony. You say "Powers
of the Runes 17. Imagine, or visualize, the Rune energies grounding, flowing into the ground, like water flows down a drain, or seeps into sandy soil. 18. Extinguish the flame of the Altar candle. 19. Extinguish the incense burner. 20. Chant IS three times, again with the imagination of grounding. 21. Remove all utensils. It will be good to practice the above exercises two to four times before you begin with the fifth lesson and send your progress report to receive your sixth lesson. May
the power of the Runes |